Friday, January 11, 2013

A little bit about me.

1. I'm not athletically talented in any way, shape, or form.
2. From the time I was four-years-old, I wanted to be an astronaut (one of my favorite movies is Apollo 13).
3. I've read each of the Harry Potter books over 9 times.
4. I don't like eating breakfast.
5. My favorite colors are yellow and purple.
6. I once threw-up in sacrament meeting.
7. I actually have my own blog:  I'm terrible at keeping up with it, just like every journal I've ever owned.
8. My husband is a HUGE Trekkie. So is my dad. Me...not so much.
9. One of my New Year's resolutions is to drink only one soda can a month.
10. Throughout high school, I was painfully shy.
11. I've met THE BIEBS.
12. My guilty pleasure is reading. I can tear through a book in less than 2 days, no matter how thick.  Unfortunately, I never have time to read anymore.
13. I absolutely love long car rides with my husband.  We talk about everything, eat Wendy's, and sing at the top of our lungs to the radio.
14. I watch The Walking Dead religiously.
15. I have an obsession with peanut M&M's and chocolate-covered raisins.
16. I love to laugh.
17. One of the best experiences of my life was going to Northern Japan two summers ago and helping earthquake and tsunami survivors with Mormon Helping Hands.
18. I have a habit of falling asleep in movie theaters.
19. If I could have a lifetime supply of anything, it would be Pringles.
20. I think my husband is the cutest thing I've ever seen.  This is us.  We're very much in love (can't you tell?).

Last but not least, here's a YouTube video that makes me laugh every time.  Robert Pattinson is my hero.